Ecology & Behavior VII

Human Impact on the Biosphere

Air Pollution


  • Thermal inversion: trapping of a layer of dense, cool ari beneath a layer of warm air
  • Industrial smog: polluted, gray-colored air that forms above industrialized cities during cold, wet winters
  • Photochemical smog: polluted, brown, smelly, air that forms above large cities with many gas-burning vehicles during warm weather

Acid Deposition

  • Dry acid deposition: fine particles of of oxides may briefly stay airborne, then fall to Earth
  • Acid rain: wet acid deposition, falling of rain or snow rich in sulfur and nitrogen oxides

Ozone Thinning

     Ozone thinning is the pronounced seasonal thinning of the atmosphere's ozone layer, especially above the Earth's polar regions.


     Deforestation is the removal of all trees from large tracts of land for logging, agriculture, and grazing operations.


     Desertification is the name for the conversion of large tracts of natural grasslands to a more desert like condition.

Water Pollution

  • Desalinization: removal of salt from seawater
  • Salinization: salt buildup in soil by evaporation, poor drainage, and heavy irrigation
  • Wastewater treatment: primary-screens and settling tanks remove sludge, which is dried, burned, dumped in landfills, or treated further; secondary- microbial populations break down organic matter after primary treatment but before chlorination; tertiary- adequately reduces pollution but is largely experimental and expensive


  • Fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, or natural gas; a nonrenewable energy source that formed long ago from the remains of swam forests
  • Meltdown: when nuclear fuel undergoes radioactive decay, it releases considerable heat
  • Solar-hydrogen energy
  • Wind farms: where prevailing travel faster than 7.5 meters per second
  • Fusion power: sun's gravitational force is enough to compress atomic nuclei to high densities, and its temperatures are high enough to force atomic nuclei to fuse